Component Exchanges

Several locations contain complete, runnable StreamBase and LiveView projects that provide additional functionality or illustrate how to overcome technical roadblocks. Some projects are provided and supported by TIBCO, and some are contributed by the TIBCO Streaming community. Look for the following component exchange categories.

Accelerators on TIBCO Community

TIBCO Accelerators provide starting-point implementations for specific use cases designed to get your project development from concept to deployment quickly using successful architectures. Different accelerators use a different combination of TIBCO products, from TIBCO Streaming only to multiple TIBCO products. TIBCO Accelerators are authored and supported by TIBCO.

Community Samples on GitHub and Studio

A number of components are provided in the TIBCO® Streaming Community Samples project on GitHub.

Import these components directly into TIBCO StreamBase Studio™ by invoking File > Import Samples and Community Content. Select the check box labeled Include community samples and online versions of supported samples.

These components are licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.

StreamBase Component Exchange

The StreamBase Component Exchange is a collection of StreamBase and LiveView projects ready to import into StreamBase Studio for to run, study, and extend. Components on the exchange are open source, and were created both by TIBCO Streaming customers and by TIBCO Streaming team members.

These open-source components are available under separate software license terms and are not part of the StreamBase product. As such, they are not covered by the terms of your agreement with TIBCO, including any terms concerning support, maintenance, warranties, and indemnities. Download and use of these components is solely at your own discretion and subject to the open-source license terms applicable to them. They are provided under the TIBCO Component Exchange License.

From StreamBase Studio

The best place to access the StreamBase Component Exchange is within TIBCO StreamBase Studio by invoking File > StreamBase Component Exchange.

Note that many components on this Exchange were created for the legacy StreamBase 7 series. Current StreamBase releases attempt to convert such components to the latest supported format, but some manual resolution may be required.

From TIBCO Community

A limited subset of Component Exchange projects are also on the TIBCO Community site. In this case, the project has a Try Now page that lets you download a zip file that contains the complete project. Import these zip files into Studio with File > Import > General > Existing Projects into Workspace.

Locate this subset with the following steps:

  1. Go to the TIBCO Community site.
  2. Log in, or create a free account and log in.
  3. Select Exchange from the menu across the top.
  4. Do not select any Filter By check boxes. Click the Search Modules button.
  5. Use one of the following search strings. Do not mix these terms.
    • TIBCO StreamBase
    • TIBCO LiveView
    • Live Datamart
Submitting to the Component Exchange

You can submit your own contributions to the StreamBase Component Exchange. Follow the steps outlined on this Community page. You must be logged into the Community for this link to work.